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discrete variation中文是什么意思

用"discrete variation"造句"discrete variation"怎么读"discrete variation" in a sentence


  • 不连续变异
  • 离散变异


  • So there are both continuous and discrete in the progress ( id fact , we always meet such a progress with both continuous and discrete variation during studying the biological model ) . then we can model the progress by a dynamic equation on tune scales to solve it easily . since the last decade , there have been much advance on the dynamic equations on time scales
    那么这个过程既有连续的又有离散的(事实上,在描述生物种群状态的生物模型中我们经常会遇到象这样的一个变化过程中同时具有连续的和离散的变化) ,我们就可以用一个时间模上的动力学方程来描述,进而用时间模上的运算对此加以解决,那么问题处理起来就简单方便了。
用"discrete variation"造句  


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